
茲公告修正本公司「一卡通電子支付機構業務定型化契約」及「一卡通MONEY 特約機構約定條款(原收款使用者約定條款)」

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茲公告修正本公司「一卡通電子支付機構業務定型化契約」及「一卡通MONEY 特約機構約定條款(原款使用者約定條款)」,並自 111 年 6 月 30 日起生效實施。

有關前述修訂內容,請參閱下列新舊條款內容對照表。如使用者對本次修訂有異議,請依「一卡通電子支付機構業務定型化契約」第二十三條或依「一卡通MONEY 特約機構約定條款」第五條通知本公司終止契約。使用者於六十日內不為異議者,推定承認該修改或增刪約款。


Amended the "iPASS Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions"
and "iPASS MONEY terms and conditions of contracted institution"(Former “Specific Terms and Conditions for the Recipient User”)

The company hereby announces the “iPASS Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions” and “iPASS MONEY terms and conditions of contracted institution” have been amended and will be implemented from June 30th, 2022. 

For the contents amended, please refer to the following documents' comparison tables showing the differences between the previous and new terms. If the user disagrees with this amendment, please inform the Company to terminate the contract in accordance with Article 23 of the “iPASS Standard Form Contract for the Business of Electronic Payment Institutions”, or Article 5 of "iPASS MONEY terms and conditions of contracted institution." If the user does not make such objection within 60 days, it is presumed that the user accepts the modification, addition or deletion of the terms.