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Metro iPASS Proof of Top-up/Proof of Travel/Frequent Rider History Enquiry System

Travel date
External card code
Please enter the code at the bottom of the back of the iPASS
The last four digits of your id or passport number
Registered cardholders please enter the last four digits of your id or passport number, e.g. 0201
1. 各車站提供開立一卡通中之捷運『搭乘證明』憑證之服務。
2. 如需近三個月『搭乘證明』報帳,請自行依搭乘證明查詢系統查詢及下載列印。
3. 本系統僅提供捷運搭乘紀錄查詢,若需查詢其他系統或日期搭乘紀錄,請逕洽一卡通公司申請。
4. 敬老、愛心及兒童等,目前已享優惠之社福卡及定期票有效期間內不適用常客累計資訊查詢服務。
Please note:
1. Proof of travel for Metro journeys paid for by iPASS can be obtained at any station information counters.
2. To claim reimbursement, you can use this query system to download and print yourtransaction records from within 3 months.
3. This system only provides record enquiries for travels on the Taipei Metro. For records on other systems or other dates, please contact the iPASS Corporation.
4. Frequent Rider History enquiry service is not available for Welfare cards (for seniors, disabled, children) that already receive a discount and periodical commuter tickets that are still valid.
備註: 本系統係由一卡通票證股份有限公司提供服務,若您對系統操作及查詢內容有任何疑問時,請您可撥打一卡通票證股份有限公司客服專線07-791-2000,
Notes: This system is supported by the iPASS Corporation. For any questions, please contact their 24hr Customer Service on 07-791-2000 or the TRTC's Customer Service line on 02-218-12345.